Imam Daayiee lectures nationally and internationally on progressive Muslim concepts, intra-faith and interfaith networking, and the development of inclusive and progressive revisions of Islamic theological thought and Islamic law utilizing the UN Declaration of Human Rights as its filter. In 2020, MECCA shall open its Islamic continuing education department providing courses for Muslims and non-Muslims living in modern, multifaith and secular societies.
Imam Daayiee Abdullah - Imam Daayiee Abdullah, Executive Director of MECCA Institute (Muslim Education Center for Creative Academics), a Muslim think tank and online Islamic theological seminary teaches an inclusive Quranic liberation theology through its Muslim Chaplaincy program. Concurrent Session A: Aug| 10:45 am - 12:15 pmĪ Comparative Discussion on the Intersectionality of American, Civil and Islamic Jurisprudences and its Impact on Everyday Life (Sponsored by VERMEG)